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Garda Vetting


It is a statutory requirement under the National Vetting Act (Children and Vulnerable Persons) 2012 to 2016, that all individuals, volunteers or paid, working with Children and Vulnerable Persons have completed Garda vetting clearance before engaging with an Organisation or services.

The Act creates offences and penalties for persons who fail to comply with its provisions.

The Act commenced on the 29th April 2016.


Garda vetting is a FAI Rule for all those working with children and or vulnerable persons (in a paid or voluntary capacity). Please see FAI Rulebook Part B Rule 40 and the FAI Child Welfare & Safeguarding Policy section 10 for more information. If you are not Garda vetted through the FAI, you should not undertake any work in a paid or voluntary capacity with children or vulnerable persons in football.

For Garda vetting applications, new or renewing, you should fully complete all sections of the FAI Garda vetting form available for download below.

In this document you will find a Garda vetting ID validation form, in addition to a Vetting Invitation form.

You should complete and return your Garda vetting ID validation form, Vetting Invitation form and copies of your verified identification in an enveloped marked ‘Private and Confidential’ to: Child Welfare, Football Association of Ireland, National Sports Campus, Abbotstown, Dublin 15.

Upon receipt of your Vetting Invitation Form, Garda ID Validation form and copies of your verified ID you should receive an email invitation to complete the remainder of your Garda vetting application online from the National Vetting Bureau. Following this, you will receive a tracking number which you can use to track the current status of your Garda vetting application. When the relevant checks have been completed a Garda vetting disclosure will be returned to the FAI. The FAI will then follow the procedures outline within section 10 of the Child Welfare and Safeguarding policy. Please refer to this policy for further details.

If a Garda vetting applicant is aged 16 or 17, the above documentation must be accompanied by a Parental/Guardian Consent form (NVB 3)


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